We haz videos for our Tetsubo's --- and coming VEEEERY soon for our Spanking Swords!

We haz videos for our Tetsubo's --- and coming VEEEERY soon for our Spanking Swords!

Kenova Matthew

Videos are going up now for our Tetsubo Spanking Maces, and VERY soon for our spanking swords (like in the next hour, hopefully!)   

Hopefully they'll give you a good idea (if the cover photo doesn't --- fifteen minutes, boys and girls, of an iron ass that "never bruises" -- and she's in sub space for the last hour while I've been editing photos on my laptop) of what Spanking Swords and Tetsubo's can do with minimal effort -- 



Click Here to See our Spanking Swords!



Click Here to See Our Tetsubo Spanking Maces!
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